Furkan Engineering had been running for the world's security since 1992

главная > Индукционные системы > Induction Loop System Cables And Ancillaries > C-TEC FLAT1005 0,5mm Insulated Flat Copper Foil Tape
C4416 Konvansiyonel Optik Duman Dedektörü
C-TEC FLAT1005 0,5mm Insulated Flat Copper Foil Tape
  • A 100m reel of 0.5mm2 insulated flat copper foil tape.
  • Ideal for use as a floor 'loop' under light duty carpets in audio-frequency induction loop systems.
  • Protective tape (order code TAPE) is also required to hold the cable down and reduce the likelihood of damage.
  • Connect to an AFILS amplifier using solder or a 1A ‘choc’ block.
  • To determine the best loop cable for a particular application or room size download our AFILS loop calculator from our Software & Apps page. Guidance on loop cable postion can be found in our Guide to Induction Loop Systems available via the Documentation tab below.
  • Single core loop cable is also available.

Price : On Request -
Technical Specification
Product Dimension :
0.5mm2 (equivalent flat cross sectional area of cable).
Construction Finish :
Copper Foil
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